1.while his wife is selling the fish on bank , xu lies down in the cabin enjoying his luxurious leisure time sparing from the busy work.
2.Just like the young men can stop working to enjoy the leisure time, senior should also be allowed to go on working.
3.If I had more leisure time, I would probably watch the rain for another time. Unfortunately, it might be a plan long after.
4.In their leisure time like to say a joke, to tease my mother happy, her mother's face a little less sad, more happy.
5.As you see, you have a beautiful month in store, one filled with surprise and a bit of leisure time, too.
6.However, the leisure time of manual workers has increased while that of intellectuals, or mental workers, has decreased.
7.You didn't have to be good at it; the point was to be fortunate enough to have the leisure time for such pursuits.
8.The great literary works as a leisure time reading the best out of the ordinary really have the pleasure of reading.
9.According to economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst, leisure time for women has increased by at least four hours a week since 1965.
10.Even leisure time is often devoted to activities such as sports, exercise, or other hobbies that involve intense activity and effort.